AINQA’s Payor platforms of solutions and services intends enables and uphold the characteristics of a real-time, accountable, efficient and transparent provider-paymaster ecosystem. Payor offerings are aptly design-built being cognizant of the continuous and dynamically developing healthcare delivery ecosystems co-existing/evolving around equally diverse, complex, and sophisticated reimbursement mechanics.
Tax-funded, state-funded, self-pay, insurance, self-managed, workers’ compensation, pension programs are some of many such disparate reimbursement systems. The global Payor markets, today, are at different maturity levels and continually evolving as the demand of developed, developing and younger markets vary over time and healthcare-demands of informed customers become ever more sophisticated.
The global drive to enable Universal Health Coverage is set to further sophisticate demands and supply of health services demanding an even more creative reimbursement system not seen in today’s Payor reimbursements systems. By remaining as an important stakeholder within the rapidly evolving ecosystem, the Payor will aim to focus on acquiring real time and accurate information. This is to guarantee proper safeguards to balance the demands of patients, providers and regulators. Up-to-date, real-time, scrubbed/adjudicated data within an information exchange/gateway infrastructure has been, for more than a decade, and will continue to be AINQA’s vision of a Trusted Payor Platform.